

July 18, 2021

$11,875 raised – continue to DONATE until we reach $15,000. Publication date scheduled for August 1 in NY Review of Books

COVID outbreak endangers courageous women political prisoners –they need our full support NOW!

New Signers to Emergency Appeal include Noam Chomsky, Daniel Ellsberg, Judith Butler, Cornel West and others

July 18, 2021

Developments this week have made publication of the Emergency Appeal to Free Iran’s Political Prisoners even more impactful – and even more urgent!

First, there’s been a COVID outbreak in the women’s wing of Evin Prison greatly endangering the lives of the many courageous political prisoners incarcerated there, including Nahid Taghavi.  So these political prisoners – and all of Iran’s political prisoners need our full support now!

Second,in the past week, prominent figures joined our outstanding list of signers inendorsing the Campaign’s Emergency Appeal and add significantly to its powerand impact.  They include  Professor Noam Chomsky, activist and public intellectual Cornel West, courageous whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg, UC Berkeley professor and author Judith Butler, professor and Citizen Ambassador Free Rohingya Coalition Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, University of Toronto Professor Shahrzad Mojab and others.

So now is the time to donate generously and help raise the remaining $4,800 needed to publish The Lives of Iran’s Political Prisoners Hang in the Balance—We Must ACT Now as a full page ad in the New York Review of Books, which reaches a large, critical, international audience of writers, artists, intellectuals and thinking, caring people.

So let’s raise the last $4,800 and cross the finish line:  publishing the Emergency Appeal will boldly put the issue of Iran’s political prisoners in the public square, increase the pressure on Iran’s Islamic Republic to free them, and give heart to the prisoners, their loved ones, and millions of Iranians.


Developments this week have made publication of the Emergency Appeal to Free Iran’s Political Prisoners even more impactful – and even more urgent!

First, there’s been a COVID outbreak in the women’s wing of Evin Prison greatly endangering the lives of the many courageous political prisoners incarcerated there, including Nahid Taghavi.  So these political prisoners – and all of Iran’s political prisoners need our full support now!

Second,in the past week, prominent figures joined our outstanding list of signers inendorsing the Campaign’s Emergency Appeal and add significantly to its powerand impact.  They include  Professor Noam Chomsky, activist and public intellectual Cornel West, courageous whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg, UC Berkeley professor and author Judith Butler, professor and Citizen Ambassador Free Rohingya Coalition Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, University of Toronto Professor Shahrzad Mojab and others.

So now is the time to donate generously and help raise the remaining $4,800 needed to publish The Lives of Iran’s Political Prisoners Hang in the Balance—We Must ACT Now as a full page ad in the New York Review of Books, which reaches a large, critical, international audience of writers, artists, intellectuals and thinking, caring people.

So let’s raise the last $4,800 and cross the finish line:  publishing the Emergency Appeal will boldly put the issue of Iran’s political prisoners in the public square, increase the pressure on Iran’s Islamic Republic to free them, and give heart to the prisoners, their loved ones, and millions of Iranians.


" If I’m arrested, do not remain silent -- make as much noise as possible! "
~Labor activist, political prisoner, Mehran Raoof, to his supporters
"When a social activist is in detention, the silence of the wider community provides the conditions for his or her repression, and he or she may be left at risk of harsh interrogation, forced confessions and torture."
~Mehri Jafari, a lawyer based in the United Kingdom and member of the campaign in support of Mehran Raoof

Checks to donate for publishing the Emergency Appeal should be made out to World Can't Wait with IRAN POLITICAL PRISONERS in memo line.
Send checks to:

World Can't Wait
Free Iran's Political Prisoners in memo line
305 West Broadway #185
New York NY 10013-5306

Campaign Updates & Press Releases

December 18, 2022
Week 13 of Iran Uprising:
October 10, 2022
Iran Uprising Enters 4th Week:
June 1, 2022
Save the Date: June 10
December 2, 2021
Press Release
Eyes of World on Iran as JPCOA Talks Resume
October 3, 2021
Now Available Online – Watch

Prisoner News