

December 3, 2022

Don’t let Iran’s theocrats take fearless rapper Toomaj Salehi from us

Open letter to justice-loving people of the world

December 3, 2022

Listen up, radical artists, intellectuals, everyday people but especially rappers, this is your fight.

The music of Toomaj Salehi beats in the hearts of millions in Iran and in the world who hate oppression.  Iran’s powers-that-be want to shut him up forever.  We the people of the world can’t let this happen.  Toomaj has been our uncompromising voice against injustice and for a better world.  Now we must be his.  And speak loud and clear: Free Toomaj now!

Toomaj was arrested in September 2021 but was released soon after due to public outcry.  He refused to back down from his revolutionary activities, boldly joining with and encouraging the recent uprising in Iran’s streets. The regime struck back and rearrested him on October 30, 2022. For over a month now, his family has been kept in the dark as to his condition except to learn that he has been tortured, denied his own lawyer (who was not allowed to see his court file), and charged with “corruption on earth” that can carry the death penalty. His life is in extreme danger.  Another outrage and threat-indicator to Toomaj is that Kurdish radical rapper Saman Yasin is facing execution for “waging war against god” (“moharebeh”) after posting support for the uprising on social media.

There is a special responsibility of people living in the belly of the US imperialist beast to fight for Toomaj and all of Iran’s political prisoners.  Not only because of the 1953 CIA coup in Iran, the US support for the Islamic regime power grab in 1979, the US imposed economic  sanctions for decades, but because Toomaj concentrates some of the “best and brightest” among Iran’s implacable political prisoners and dissidents.  He has talked the talk and walked the walk in the finest spirit in the poetry-rich Iranian culture by adopting the uplifting side of rap from the rebellious Black youth culture of Amerikkka’s inner cities.  It is the best of both worlds.  This daring culture of resistance that Toomaj embodies should be emulated, spread and not silenced!

Join with the nearly half million from around the world who have signed petitions at from 11 countries, including the one initiated by his family. Sign this statement and the Emergency Appeal  Volunteer with the IEC and organize others to make this struggle known and engaged far and wide – in the streets, schools and on stages everywhere with creativity and boldness.

We say to Iran’s regime: Free Toomaj and all Iran’s political prisoners NOW!

We say to the US government: No US threats or attacks on Iran! Lift the sanctions!



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Listen up, radical artists, intellectuals, everyday people but especially rappers, this is your fight.

The music of Toomaj Salehi beats in the hearts of millions in Iran and in the world who hate oppression.  Iran’s powers-that-be want to shut him up forever.  We the people of the world can’t let this happen.  Toomaj has been our uncompromising voice against injustice and for a better world.  Now we must be his.  And speak loud and clear: Free Toomaj now!

Toomaj was arrested in September 2021 but was released soon after due to public outcry.  He refused to back down from his revolutionary activities, boldly joining with and encouraging the recent uprising in Iran’s streets. The regime struck back and rearrested him on October 30, 2022. For over a month now, his family has been kept in the dark as to his condition except to learn that he has been tortured, denied his own lawyer (who was not allowed to see his court file), and charged with “corruption on earth” that can carry the death penalty. His life is in extreme danger.  Another outrage and threat-indicator to Toomaj is that Kurdish radical rapper Saman Yasin is facing execution for “waging war against god” (“moharebeh”) after posting support for the uprising on social media.

There is a special responsibility of people living in the belly of the US imperialist beast to fight for Toomaj and all of Iran’s political prisoners.  Not only because of the 1953 CIA coup in Iran, the US support for the Islamic regime power grab in 1979, the US imposed economic  sanctions for decades, but because Toomaj concentrates some of the “best and brightest” among Iran’s implacable political prisoners and dissidents.  He has talked the talk and walked the walk in the finest spirit in the poetry-rich Iranian culture by adopting the uplifting side of rap from the rebellious Black youth culture of Amerikkka’s inner cities.  It is the best of both worlds.  This daring culture of resistance that Toomaj embodies should be emulated, spread and not silenced!

Join with the nearly half million from around the world who have signed petitions at from 11 countries, including the one initiated by his family. Sign this statement and the Emergency Appeal  Volunteer with the IEC and organize others to make this struggle known and engaged far and wide – in the streets, schools and on stages everywhere with creativity and boldness.

We say to Iran’s regime: Free Toomaj and all Iran’s political prisoners NOW!

We say to the US government: No US threats or attacks on Iran! Lift the sanctions!



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