In recent interview by Agence France-Presse, Narges Mohammadi calls attention to critical situation of her Evin wardmate NahidTaghavi.
As summarized in Instagram posts by @free.nahid and @duzentekkal:
"These days I see Nahid Taghavi being given repeatedly cortizone ampoules to relieve her pain. But she would actually have to be injected directly. A prison doctor has expressed concerns and explained that the ongoing situation could lead to calcium deficiency and serious disturbances in the immune system.
"Despite her claim for conditional release and detention according to Iranian laws, she is still imprisoned. The pointless doctor's visits only to deceive international organizations or delaying injections into joints by 2-3 months has led to a worsening of her illness and physical weakness. These doctor visits are carried out in a hospital that is contractual to the prison and whose doctors are not independent... In a recent alarming incident, a hospital doctor insisted on trying to administer psychiatric drugs to Nahid against her strong objections.”
As a follow-up to this report from Narges, the IEC has determined that Nahid Taghavi did refuse the psychiatric drugs, and they were not administered.
As world-renowned writer Ariel Dorfman stated in June 2023, in response to news about Nahid's joint pain becoming severe:
"... Evin Prison, in the northern hills of Teheran: it is notoriously filled with thousands of patriots whose only crime is to have spoken against the current regime. Among those political prisoners is Nahid Taghavi who has been detained there since October 2020. Despite being critically ill, the authorities have refused to give her medical leave so her life can be saved.... A first gesture would be to allow Nahid Taghavi to receive the medical aid she desperately needs. But that measure should be followed by the freeing of all political prisoners held in so many prisons in Iran."