Colombia Feb 2023: "Join your own longing for a radically new and better world with the hope that beats in the hearts of the heroic women and men of Iran"

Global Movement News

March 2, 2023

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We're pleased to share two videos from QuemarLaJaula in Colombia. Translation from Spanish to English by IEC volunteers.

January 30. "In the resort community of San Antonio de Cali, Colombia, the international campaign for the freedom of #Toomaj, the brave Iranian rapper, we called on people in restaurants, hostels and streets to be the voice of the people of Iran!"

Feb 11. "Several activities in recent weeks have been carried in out in Cali around the campaign "Burn the Cage, Free the Birds!". This video gives a glimpse." Exposition of prisoners' stories, documentary "Nasrin". Audio = "Burn the Cage" anthem by Shekib Mosadeq. For translation, click to open full text.

Text in video:

The people of Iran cry out for liberty, for life, for an end to the oppression of women. Millions have not only taken to the streets, they have also raised their heads to dream of a completely different world.
When they do, questions arise: What is the road to follow to reach those objectives? What do different groups represent and where will their answers lead? And can the US and their European allies play a positive role in the current situation?
To speak frankly, but truly, at a time when the truth is most vital, involving the US and other imperialist powers is a deadly trap for the people.
We call on you, the people of our planet, to support the uprising in Iran, to join your own longing for a radically new and better world with the hope that beats in the hearts of the heroic women and men of Iran.
“The women and the people of Iran have risen up. Their struggle is our struggle!”

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